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Earth is changing rapidly, faster than at any other time in recorded history, and people are more ‘connected’ than ever. Through engagement with global issues such as pollution, climate change and pandemics, children can make choices that can improve the world. 

Geography is about developing children’s knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the world's diverse people, places and environments. Our curriculum helps them understand how places are constantly changing, why they are important and how they are connected. We want children who will ask questions and be critical and creative thinkers who feel empowered to take care of our amazing planet.

Our curriculum progressively builds vocabulary and concepts over time, and we use first-hand experiences and technology as much as possible, to make learning engaging and relevant.  T

Geography fieldwork and mapping starts from Early Years moves from understanding of the very local.  The integral visits to different localities further take place both in person and also through virtual exploration.

We use enquiry approaches, research, discussion and presentation to get children working together to discuss and debate answers to many geographical big questions such as:

  • What is climate?
  • Will we always have extreme weather? 
  • Will our food ever run out? 
  • Can trade ever be fair?