PE Whole School Overview
Our Intent is to inspire every child to be passionate about Physical Education and Sport, while bringing PE to the heart of the school.
- To equip every child with the key physical and social skills that can be facilitated through to PE and sport
- To enable every child to progress with confidence and competence in PE and sport -throughout their school journey and beyond
- To embed key sporting values that can be applied positively in everyday life.
- To inspire children to live a healthy and active lifestyle into adulthood, using PE and sports to facilitate this
- To develop the physical and mental wellbeing of every child and ensure it is central to their physical education journey
We aim to develop our pupils’ key fundamental movement skills ensuring they are motor competent in Physical Education. Children of ALL abilities will have access to High Quality PE in order to achieve their full potential and become physically confident. Our lessons aim to be INCLUSIVE for ALL, in a fun and safe environment. We aim to give the children a lifelong love and passion for Physical Activity and Sport. The class overviews sets out ht EP units to be taught across the academic year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met.
Pupils participate in two high-quality PE lessons each week, covering two sporting disciplines every half-term. In addition, children are encouraged to be active at lunch times - we have one of our sports coaches who works as a play leader at lunch times, as well as a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs on offer as part of our wrap-around care offer.
- Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children.
We aim to develop our pupils’ key fundamental movement skills ensuring they are motor competent in Physical Education. Children of ALL abilities will have access to High Quality PE in order to achieve their full potential and become physically confident. Our lessons aim to be INCLUSIVE for ALL, in a fun and safe environment. We aim to give the children a lifelong love and passion for Physical Activity and Sport.
For our lessons to take each pupil on an exciting and progressive learning journey from Early Years through to KS2, ensuring mastery of key skills.
- For all lessons to be inclusive and fully supportive, ensuring that ‘PE is for everyone!’
- For children to actively learn and live important values, all through the power of PE and sport.
- We want to inspire and challenge ALL children, whatever their abilities.
- We aim to develop confident young leaders through our PE lessons and leadership programme.
- We aim to educate children about physical and mental well-being and to inform as to the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle.
- We aim to further develop and nurture strong school-club and competitive links with the local partnership and community-based organisations- providing our children with access to a support structure to pursue their chosen sports and activities beyond school.
- To support and complement cross curricular subject areas through our physical, fun and engaging lessons.